local export = {} local m_zh = require("Module:zh") local links = require("Module:links") local lang = require("Module:languages") local gsub = mw.ustring.gsub local match = mw.ustring.match local len = mw.ustring.len

function export.make(frame) local params = { [1] = { list = true, allow_holes = true, allow_empty = true }, ["s"] = { list = true }, ["t"] = { list = true }, ["alt"] = {}, ["type"] = {}, ["delink"] = {}, ["lit"] = {}, ["note"] = {}, ["gloss"] = {} } local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params) local comp_type = args["type"] local s, t = {}, {} local annotation = {} if not frame:getParent().args["t"] then table.insert(t, 1, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText) end

local function insert_st(set, text) if match(text, "^ ") or match(text, " $") then error("Please remove the leading and / or trailing space(s) in the 's' and 't' parameters.") end table.insert(set, text) end

for i = 1, #args.s do insert_st(s, args.s[i]) end for i = 1, #args.t do insert_st(t, args.t[i]) end

s.name = "simp" t.name = "trad"

if #t ~= 1 and #s == 0 then table.insert(s, t[1]) end

function var_fmt(length, color) return '\n|-\n! style="padding: 0.' .. (length > 8 and '3' or '5') .. 'em;border: 1px solid #aaa;background: #' .. (color or 'E0FFFF') .. ';font-weight: normal;font-size: smaller;" colspan="2" |' end

function char_gap(length) return '\n| style="padding: 0.' .. (length > 8 and '3' or '5') .. 'em; background-color:white;border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa; font-size:x-large" lang="zh" class="Hani" | ' end

function char_last(length) return '\n| style="padding: 0.' .. (length > 8 and '3' or '5') .. 'em; background-color:white;border-right: 1px solid #aaa;border' .. (length ~= 1 and '-bottom' or ) .. ': 1px solid #aaa; font-size:x-large" lang="zh" class="Hani" | ' end

function header(length, var_count) return ((length > 3 or var_count > 2) and ':{|' or '{| align=right') .. ' style="clear: right;margin: 1em;border-collapse: collapse;text-align: center"' .. (length ~= 1 and '\n|-\n! colspan=2|' or ) end

function gloss_fmt(word, colspan, length) return '\n! style="padding: 0.' .. (length > 8 and '3' or '5') .. 'em;border: 1px solid #aaa;background:#F5F5DC;font-weight: normal;font-size: 80%; width:' .. (length <= 8 and (30 * word + 30) or (25 * word + 25)) .. 'px" colspan=' .. (colspan or 1) ..'|' end

function form_fmt(text, length) for i,value in ipairs(text) do text[i] = links.language_link({ lang = lang.getByCode("zh"), term = value }) end return length ~= 1 and ((length > 8 and or '') .. '(' .. table.concat(text, "/") .. ')' .. (length > 8 and or '')) or end

function char_fmt(text, length) return (#text ~= 1 and (char_gap(length) .. table.concat(text, char_gap(length), 1, #text-1)) or ) .. char_last(length) .. text[#text] end

local test_word = t[1] local length = len(test_word) local word_division = {} local i = 1 if comp_type then for index in mw.text.gsplit(comp_type, "", true) do if match(mw.ustring.sub(test_word, i, i), '[,%-]') then table.insert(word_division, { i, i } ) i = i + 1 elseif mw.ustring.sub(test_word, i, i) == '…' then table.insert(word_division, { i, i + 1 } ) i = i + 2 end table.insert(word_division, { i, i + index - 1 } ) i = i + index end if i - 1 ~= len(gsub(test_word, '…+$', )) and not match(table.concat(t) .. table.concat(s), "[⿰⿱⿲⿳⿴⿵⿶⿷⿸⿹⿺⿻]") then error("'type' parameter does not match word length.") end else for i = 1, length do table.insert(word_division, { i, i } ) end decomposable = len(gsub(test_word, '…+$', )) > 2 and true or false end

local delink = {} if args["delink"] and args["delink"] ~= "" then if args["delink"] == "y" then for del_index, _ in ipairs(word_division) do delink[del_index] = "yes" end else for position in mw.text.gsplit(args["delink"], ",") do delink[tonumber(position)] = "yes" end end end

local char_set = { ['simp'] = {}, ['trad'] = {} } local identity = #s == 0 and {t} or {s,t} local uncreated = {}

for _, id in ipairs(identity) do for i, position in ipairs(word_division) do local char_string = "" for j = 1, #id do local word_form = mw.ustring.sub(id[j], position[1], position[2]) if not mw.ustring.find(char_string, word_form) then char_string = (char_string ~= "" and (char_string .. '/') or "") .. word_form end end if not match(char_string, '[,%-]') then local hash = {} for thing in mw.text.gsplit(char_string, (delink[i] and "" or "/")) do table.insert(hash, links.language_link({ lang = lang.getByCode("zh"), term = thing })) end char_string = table.concat(hash, (delink[i] and "" or "/")) end table.insert(char_set[id.name], char_string) end for _, item in ipairs(id) do if not (mw.title.new(item) or {}).exists and item ~= mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText then table.insert(uncreated, '"' .. item .. '"') end end end

local scripts = { ['一-龯㐀-䶵'] = 'Hani' , ['a-zA-ZāēīōūĀĒĪŌŪa-zA-Z'] = 'Latn', ['0-90-9'] = 'Numb', ['Ͱ-Ͽ'] = 'Grek' } local script = {} for range, script_name in pairs(scripts) do if match(test_word, '[' .. range .. ']') then table.insert(script, script_name) end end

if match(t[1], "([^─…]+)%1") and args['gloss'] ~= '-' and len(t[1]) < 7 then if gsub(comp_type or "", "1", "") == "" then table.insert(annotation, ) elseif match(t[1], "([^…][^…]+)%1") or match(table.concat(char_set['trad'], " "), "([^─…%[%]a-z]+)%1") then for _, component in ipairs(char_set['trad']) do if len(component) > 1 then local comp_content = mw.title.new(links.remove_links(component)):getContent() or false if not comp_content or match(comp_content, "|gloss=-") or not match(comp_content, "==Chinese==") then evil = true end end end if not evil then table.insert(annotation, ) end end end

table.insert(annotation, #script > 1 and or nil) table.insert(annotation, (decomposable and args['gloss'] ~= '-' and not args['note'] and not args['lit']) and or nil) table.insert(annotation, (#uncreated > 0 and mw.title.getCurrentTitle().nsText == "") and .. '(' .. (#uncreated == 1 and 'This form' or 'These forms') .. ' in the hanzi box ' .. (#uncreated == 1 and 'is' or 'are') .. ' uncreated: ' .. table.concat(uncreated, ", ") .. '.)' or nil)

altforms = "" if args["alt"] or "" ~= "" then altform_list = {} for altform in mw.text.gsplit(args["alt"], ",") do local altdecomp = mw.text.split(altform, ":") local altdecomp2 = mw.text.split(altdecomp[1], "-") table.insert(altform_list, '' .. m_zh.link(nil, nil, { altdecomp2[1], tr = (altdecomp[2] or "-") }, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText) .. (altdecomp2[2] and ' ' .. altdecomp2[2] .. '' or ) .. '') end if #altform_list > 5 then

altforms = '

 ' .. '
' .. table.concat(altform_list, "
") .. '


else altforms = table.concat(altform_list, "
") end altforms = var_fmt(length, 'F0FFE0') .. 'alt. forms' .. mw.ustring.sub(char_last(length), 1, -45) .. 'font-size:90%; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-right: 1px solid #aaa; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa"' .. ' colspan="' .. #word_division .. '"|' .. altforms end

anagram = "" if len(t[1]) == 2 and not match(t[1], "(.)%1") then anagram_link = mw.ustring.sub(t[1], 2, 2) .. mw.ustring.sub(t[1], 1, 1) anagram_content = mw.title.new(anagram_link):getContent() or false if anagram_content and match(anagram_content, "==Chinese==") then anagram = var_fmt(length, 'F0FFE0') .. 'anagram' .. mw.ustring.sub(char_last(length), 1, -45) .. 'font-size:90%; padding-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 10px; border-right: 1px solid #aaa; border-bottom: 1px solid #aaa"' .. ' colspan="' .. #word_division .. '"|' .. m_zh.link(nil, nil, { anagram_link, tr = "-" }, mw.title.getCurrentTitle().subpageText) end end

literal = (args["lit"] or args["note"] or "" ~= "") and '\n|-' .. gloss_fmt(length, #word_division + 2, length) .. ((args["lit"] or "" ~= "") and 'Literally: “' .. args["lit"] .. (match(args["lit"], "%.$") and "”" or "”.") or args["note"]) or ""

local gloss = {} if args['gloss'] == '-' then gloss = { gloss_fmt(length * 1.6, #word_division, length) .. 'phonetic' } elseif length == 1 then gloss = {}--{ gloss_fmt(1.6, #word_division) .. '-' } else for i, position in ipairs(word_division) do character = mw.ustring.sub(t[1], position[1], position[2])

local gloss_text = args[1][i] -- Load glosses module if no gloss was supplied and the word is a single character. if not gloss_text and position[1] == position[2] then gloss_text = mw.loadData("Module:zh/data/glosses").glosses[character] if not gloss_text and match(character, "^[一-龯㐀-䶵]+$") then require('Module:debug').track('zh-forms/no gloss found for Chinese character') end end

if not gloss_text then gloss_text = "" end

--[[ To ensure that suffixes are not broken up between lines, like this: - ist ]] if mw.ustring.find(gloss_text, "-", nil, true) then local nonbreaking_hyphen = mw.ustring.char(0x2011) gloss_text = mw.ustring.gsub(gloss_text, "^%-", nonbreaking_hyphen) gloss_text = mw.ustring.gsub(gloss_text, "(%s)%-", "%1" .. nonbreaking_hyphen) end

if gloss_text == "" and position[2] > position[1] then local senses = {} local content = mw.title.new(character):getContent() or false if content then local literally = match(content, 'zh%-forms[^%}]*%|lit%=([^%{%|%}]+)[%|%}]') sense_id = 0 for sense in mw.ustring.gmatch(mw.text.split(content, '%-%-%-%-')[1] .. '\n', '\n# ([^#\n]+)') do sense_id = sense_id + 1 if sense_id > 2 then break end table.insert(senses, sense) end gloss_text = (literally and literally .. "; " or "") .. (senses[1] or "") gloss_text_extend = gloss_text .. (senses[2] and "; " .. senses[2] or "") gloss_text = (len(gloss_text) < 80 and len(gloss_text_extend) < 160) and gloss_text_extend or gloss_text

local function replace_gloss(text) text = gsub(text, ' %(%{%{taxlink[^%}%)]+%}%}%)', ) text = gsub(text, '%{%{zh%-erhua form of%|([^%}]+)%}%}', '%1') text = gsub(text, '%{%{zh%-[^dm%|][^%|]+%|[^%|]+%|([^\n]+)%}%}', '%1') text = gsub(text, '%{%{vern', '{{w') text = gsub(text, '%{%{w%|([^%|%}]+)%|?([^%|%}]*)%}%}', function(w_link, w_display) return ''..(w_display~= and w_display or w_link)..'' end) text = gsub(text, '( ?)([%{%(]+[^%}%)]+[%}%)]+)', function(space, captured) wiki_link = match(captured, "%{%{taxlink%|([^%|]+)[^%}]+%}%}") and "" .. match(captured, "%{%{taxlink%|([^%|]+)[^%}]+%}%}") .. "" or match(captured, "%{%{vern%|(.+)%}%}") or false return wiki_link and space..wiki_link or "" end) return text end gloss_text = replace_gloss(gloss_text) gloss_text = replace_gloss(gloss_text) if gloss_text == "" and match(character, "^[一-龯㐀-䶵]+$") then require('Module:debug').track('zh-forms/no gloss found but entry exists') end else if gloss_text == "" and match(character, "^[一-龯㐀-䶵]+$") then require('Module:debug').track('zh-forms/no gloss found with a nonexistent entry') end end end gloss_text = gsub(gloss_text, ";[^a-zA-Z0-9]+;", ";") gloss_text = gsub(gloss_text, ";[^a-zA-Z0-9]+$", "") gloss_text = gsub(gloss_text, ";+", ";") if len(gsub(gloss_text, '[^;]', )) > 2 then

gloss_text = '

' .. gloss_text .. '


end local word_length = match(character, '[,…%-]') and 0 or (delink[i] and len(character) or len(character) * (len(gsub(char_set['trad'][i], '[^/]', )) + 1)) table.insert(gloss, gloss_fmt(word_length, 1, length) .. gloss_text) end end

local PAGENAME = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text local content = mw.title.new(PAGENAME):getContent()

if content then local applicable_pos = { ["Noun"] = 1, ["Verb"] = 1, ["Adjective"] = 1, ["Adverb"] = 1, ["Definitions"] = 1, ["Pronunciation"] = 1 } local previous_level = 2 for heading in mw.ustring.gmatch(content, "\n%=%=+[^%=]+%=%=+") do local _, current_level = gsub(heading, "%=", "") current_level = current_level / 2 if subheading_wanted and current_level ~= previous_level + 1 then local heading_text = match(heading, "%=%=+([^%=]+)%=%=+") if applicable_pos[heading_text] then error("The heading \"===Etymology n===\" or \"===Pronunciation n===\" must be followed by a subheading one level lower.") end end previous_level = current_level subheading_wanted = match(heading, " [0-9]%=%=+") and true or false end end

output_text = header(length, math.max(#t, #s)) .. table.concat(gloss, "") .. (#identity == 1 and (var_fmt(length) .. 'simp. and trad.
' .. form_fmt(t, length) .. char_fmt(char_set['trad'], length)) or var_fmt(length) .. 'trad. ' .. form_fmt(t, length) .. char_fmt(char_set['trad'], length) ..

(var_fmt(length) .. 'simp. ' .. form_fmt(s, length) .. char_fmt(char_set['simp'], length))

) .. altforms .. anagram .. literal .. '\n|}' .. table.concat(annotation)

return output_text end

return export