توضیحات این پودمان می‌تواند در پودمان:languages/data2/توضیحات قرار گیرد.

local u = mw.ustring.char

-- UTF-8 encoded strings for some commonly-used diacritics
local GRAVE     = u(0x0300)
local ACUTE     = u(0x0301)
local CIRC      = u(0x0302)
local TILDE     = u(0x0303)
local MACRON    = u(0x0304)
local BREVE     = u(0x0306)
local DOTABOVE  = u(0x0307)
local DIAER     = u(0x0308)
local CARON     = u(0x030C)
local DGRAVE    = u(0x030F)
local INVBREVE  = u(0x0311)
local DOTBELOW  = u(0x0323)
local RINGBELOW = u(0x0325)
local CEDILLA   = u(0x0327)
local OGONEK    = u(0x0328)

-- Puncuation to be used for standardChars field
local PUNCTUATION = ' \!\#\$\%\&\*\+\,\-\.\/\:\;\<\=\>\?\@\^\_\`\|\~\'\(\)'

local m = {}

m["aa"] = {
	canonicalName = "آفاری",
	otherNames = {"Qafar"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cus",

m["ab"] = {
	canonicalName = "آبخازی",
	otherNames = {"Abkhazian", "Abxazo"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Geor", "Latn"},
	family = "cau-abz",
	translit_module = "ab-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	entry_name = {
		from = {GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {}} ,

m["ae"] = {
	canonicalName = "اوستایی",
	otherNames = {"Zend", "Old Bactrian"},
	scripts = {"Avst", "Gujr"},
	family = "ira-eas",
	translit_module = "Avst-translit",

m["af"] = {
	canonicalName = "هلندی آفریکاناس",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"nl"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äáâà]", "[ëéêè]", "[ïíîì]", "[öóôò]", "[üúûù]", "[ÿýŷỳ]", "^-", "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	, "i"	, "o"	, "u"  , "y" }} ,

m["ak"] = {
	canonicalName = "Akan",
	otherNames = {"Twi-Fante", "Twi", "Fante", "Fanti", "Asante", "Akuapem"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-kwa",

m["am"] = {
	canonicalName = "امهری",
	scripts = {"Ethi"},
	family = "sem-eth",
	translit_module = "Ethi-translit",

m["an"] = {
	canonicalName = "Aragonese",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-oan"},

m["ar"] = {
	canonicalName = "عربی",
	otherNames = {"Modern Standard Arabic", "Standard Arabic", "Literary Arabic", "Classical Arabic"},
	scripts = {"Arab", "Brai"},
	family = "sem-arb",
	-- alif waṣl to alif, remove diacritics
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0671), u(0x064B), u(0x064C), u(0x064D), u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652), u(0x0670), u(0x0640)},
		to   = {u(0x0627)}},
	translit_module = "ar-translit",

m["as"] = {
	canonicalName = "آسامی",
	scripts = {"Beng"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["av"] = {
	canonicalName = "آواری",
	otherNames = {"Avaric"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nec",
	ancestors = {"oav"},
	translit_module = "av-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	entry_name = {
		from = {GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {}} ,

m["ay"] = {
	canonicalName = "Aymara",
	otherNames = {"Southern Aymara", "Central Aymara"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sai-aym",

m["az"] = {
	canonicalName = "آذری",
	otherNames = {"Azerbaijani", "Azari", "Azeri Turkic", "Azerbaijani Turkic", "North Azerbaijani", "South Azerbaijani", "Afshar", "Afshari", "Afshar Azerbaijani", "Afchar", "Qashqa'i", "Qashqai", "Kashkay", "Sonqor"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl", "fa-Arab"},
	family = "trk-ogz",

m["ba"] = {
	canonicalName = "باشقیری",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk-kip",
	translit_module = "ba-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["be"] = {
	canonicalName = "بلاروسی",
	otherNames = {"Belorussian", "Belarusan", "Bielorussian", "Byelorussian", "Belarussian", "White Russian"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zle",
	translit_module = "be-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"Ё", "ё"},
		to   = {"Е" , "е"}},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е"}},

m["bg"] = {
	canonicalName = "بلغاری",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zls",
	translit_module = "bg-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", "Ѝ", "ѝ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е", "И", "и"}},

m["bh"] = {
	canonicalName = "Bihari",
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["bi"] = {
	canonicalName = "Bislama",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",
	ancestors = {"en"},

m["bm"] = {
	canonicalName = "Bambara",
	otherNames = {"Bamanankan"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "dmn",

m["bn"] = {
	canonicalName = "بنگالی",
	otherNames = {"Bangla"},
	scripts = {"Beng"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},
	translit_module = "bn-translit",

m["bo"] = {
	canonicalName = "تبتی",
	otherNames = {"Ü", "Dbus", "Lhasa", "Lhasa Tibetan", "Amdo Tibetan", "Amdo", "Panang", "Khams", "Khams Tibetan", "Khamba", "Tseku", "Dolpo", "Humla", "Limi", "Lhomi", "Shing Saapa", "Mugom", "Mugu", "Nubri", "Walungge", "Gola", "Thudam", "Lowa", "Loke", "Mustang", "Tichurong"},
	scripts = {"Tibt"},
	family = "tbq",
	ancestors = {"xct"},
	translit_module = "bo-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["br"] = {
	canonicalName = "برتونی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-bry",
	ancestors = {"xbm"},

m["ca"] = {
	canonicalName = "کاتالان",
	otherNames = {"Valencian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-oca"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"à", "[èé]", "[íï]", "[òó]", "[úü]", "ç", "l·l"},
		to   = {"a", "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "u"   , "c", "ll" }} ,

m["ce"] = {
	canonicalName = "چچن",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "cau-nkh",
	translit_module = "ce-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	entry_name = {
		from = {MACRON},
		to   = {}},

m["ch"] = {
	canonicalName = "Chamorro",
	otherNames = {"Chamoru"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-sus",

m["co"] = {
	canonicalName = "Corsican",
	otherNames = {"Corsu"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",

m["cr"] = {
	canonicalName = "Cree",
	scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
	family = "alg",
	translit_module = "cr-translit",

m["cs"] = {
	canonicalName = "چکی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "zlw",
	ancestors = {"zlw-ocs"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "[úů]", "ý"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"   , "y"}} ,

m["cu"] = {
	canonicalName = "اسلاوی کهن کلیسایی",
	otherNames = {"Old Church Slavic"},
	scripts = {"Cyrs", "Glag"},
	family = "zls",
	translit_module = "Cyrs-Glag-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x0484)}, -- kamora
		to   = {}},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"оу", "є"},
		to   = {"у" , "е"}} ,

m["cv"] = {
	canonicalName = "چاووشی",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "trk-ogr",
	translit_module = "cv-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["cy"] = {
	canonicalName = "ولزی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-bry",
	ancestors = {"wlm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[âáàä]", "[êéèë]", "[îíìï]", "[ôóòö]", "[ûúùü]", "[ŵẃẁẅ]", "[ŷýỳÿ]", "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "w"	 , "y"	 }} ,

m["da"] = {
	canonicalName = "دانمارکی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-oda"},

m["de"] = {
	canonicalName = "آلمانی",
	otherNames = {"High German", "New High German", "Deutsch"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Latf"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"gmh"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äàáâå]", "[ëèéê]", "[ïìíî]", "[öòóô]", "[üùúû]", "ß" },
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "ss"}} ,

m["dv"] = {
	canonicalName = "Dhivehi",
	otherNames = {"Divehi", "Mahal", "Mahl", "Maldivian"},
	scripts = {"Thaa"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"pmh"},
	translit_module = "dv-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["dz"] = {
	canonicalName = "Dzongkha",
	scripts = {"Tibt"},
	family = "tbq",
	ancestors = {"xct"},
	translit_module = "bo-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["ee"] = {
	canonicalName = "Ewe",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-von",

m["el"] = {
	canonicalName = "یونانی",
	otherNames = {"Modern Greek", "Neo-Hellenic"},
	scripts = {"Grek", "Brai"},
	family = "grk",
	ancestors = {"grc"},
	translit_module = "el-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	sort_key = {  -- Keep this synchronized with grc, cpg, pnt
		from = {"[ᾳάᾴὰᾲᾶᾷἀᾀἄᾄἂᾂἆᾆἁᾁἅᾅἃᾃἇᾇ]", "[έὲἐἔἒἑἕἓ]", "[ῃήῄὴῂῆῇἠᾐἤᾔἢᾒἦᾖἡᾑἥᾕἣᾓἧᾗ]", "[ίὶῖἰἴἲἶἱἵἳἷϊΐῒῗ]", "[όὸὀὄὂὁὅὃ]", "[ύὺῦὐὔὒὖὑὕὓὗϋΰῢῧ]", "[ῳώῴὼῲῶῷὠᾠὤᾤὢᾢὦᾦὡᾡὥᾥὣᾣὧᾧ]", "ῥ", "ς"},
		to   = {"α"						, "ε"		 , "η"						, "ι"				, "ο"		 , "υ"				, "ω"						, "ρ", "σ"}} ,

m["en"] = {
	canonicalName = "انگلیسی",
	otherNames = {"انگلیسی مدرن", "New English", "Hawaiian Creole English", "Hawai'ian Creole English", "Hawaiian Creole", "Hawai'ian Creole", "Polari", "Yinglish"}, -- all but the first three are names and alt names of subsumed dialects which once had ISO codes
	scripts = {"Latn", "Brai", "Shaw", "Dsrt"}, -- last two are rare but probably attested; entries in them might require community approval, but it's good for the script codes not to be orphans
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"enm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äàáâåā]", "[ëèéêē]", "[ïìíîī]", "[öòóôō]", "[üùúûū]", "æ" , "œ" , "[çč]", "ñ", "'"},
		to   = {"a"       , "e"      , "i"      , "o"      , "u"      , "ae", "oe", "c"   , "n"}},
	wikimedia_codes = {"en", "simple"},
	standardChars = "A-Za-z0-9" .. PUNCTUATION .. u(0x2800) .. "-" .. u(0x28FF)

m["eo"] = {
	canonicalName = "اسپرانتو",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áà]", "[éè]", "[íì]", "[óò]", "[úù]", "[ĉ]", "[ĝ]", "[ĥ]", "[ĵ]", "[ŝ]", "[ŭ]"},
		to   = {"a"	   , "e"  , "i"  , "o"  , "u", "cĉ", "gĉ", "hĉ", "jĉ", "sĉ", "uĉ"}} ,

m["es"] = {
	canonicalName = "اسپانیایی",
	otherNames = {"Castilian", "Amazonian Spanish", "Amazonic Spanish", "Loreto-Ucayali Spanish"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Brai"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"osp"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "[úü]", "ç", "ñ"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"   , "c", "n"}},
	standardChars = "A-VXYZa-vxyz0-9ÁáÉéÍíÓóÚúÑñ¿¡" .. PUNCTUATION

m["et"] = {
	canonicalName = "استونیایی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "fiu-fin",

m["eu"] = {
	canonicalName = "باسک",
	otherNames = {"Euskara"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "euq",

m["fa"] = {
	canonicalName = "پارسی",
	otherNames = {"Farsi", "New Persian", "Modern Persian", "Western Persian", "Iranian Persian", "Eastern Persian", "Dari", "Aimaq", "Aimak", "Aymaq", "Eimak"},
	scripts = {"fa-Arab"},
	family = "ira-wes",
	ancestors = {"pal", "ira-mid"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {u(0x064E), u(0x064F), u(0x0650), u(0x0651), u(0x0652)},
		to   = {}} ,

m["ff"] = {
	canonicalName = "Fula",
	otherNames = {"Adamawa Fulfulde", "Bagirmi Fulfulde", "Borgu Fulfulde", "Central-Eastern Niger Fulfulde", "Fulani", "Fulfulde", "Maasina Fulfulde", "Nigerian Fulfulde", "Pular", "Pulaar", "Western Niger Fulfulde"}, -- Maasina, etc are dialects, subsumed into this code
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "alv-sng",

m["fi"] = {
	canonicalName = "فنلاندی",
	otherNames = {"Suomi", "Botnian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "fiu-fin",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ˣ"},  -- Used to indicate gemination of the next consonant
		to   = {}},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áàâã]", "[éèêẽ]", "[íìîĩ]", "[óòôõ]", "[úùûũ]", "[ýỳŷüű]", "[øõő]", "æ" , "œ" , "[čç]", "š", "ž", "ß" , "[':]"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 ,  "y"	 , "ö"	, "ae", "oe", "c"   , "s", "z", "ss"}} ,

m["fj"] = {
	canonicalName = "Fijian",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-occ",

m["fo"] = {
	canonicalName = "فاروئی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"non"},

m["fr"] = {
	canonicalName = "فرانسوی",
	otherNames = {"Modern French"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Brai"},
	family = "roa-oil",
	ancestors = {"frm"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áàâä]", "[éèêë]", "[íìîï]", "[óòôö]", "[úùûü]", "[ýỳŷÿ]", "ç", "æ" , "œ" , "'"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 , "y"	 , "c", "ae", "oe"}},
	standardChars = "A-Za-z0-9ÀÂÇÉÈÊËÎÏÔŒÛÙÜàâçéèêëîïôœûùü«»" .. PUNCTUATION

m["fy"] = {
	canonicalName = "فریزی باختری",
	otherNames = {"Western Frisian", "Frisian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmw-fri",
	ancestors = {"ofs"},

m["ga"] = {
	canonicalName = "ایرلندی",
	otherNames = {"Irish Gaelic"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-gae",
	ancestors = {"mga"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ý", "ḃ" , "ċ" , "ḋ" , "ḟ" , "ġ" , "ṁ" , "ṗ" , "ṡ" , "ṫ" },
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "y", "bh", "ch", "dh", "fh", "gh", "mh", "ph", "sh", "th"}} ,

m["gd"] = {
	canonicalName = "گالیک اسکاتلندی",
	otherNames = {"Gàidhlig", "Highland Gaelic", "Scots Gaelic", "Scottish"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-gae",
	ancestors = {"mga"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áà]", "[éè]", "[íì]", "[óò]", "[úù]", "[ýỳ]"},
		to   = {"a"   , "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "u"   , "y"   }} ,

m["gl"] = {
	canonicalName = "گالیک",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-opt"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u"}} ,

m["gn"] = {
	canonicalName = "گورانی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "tup-gua",

m["gu"] = {
	canonicalName = "گجراتی",
	scripts = {"Gujr"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-ogu"},
	translit_module = "gu-translit",

m["gv"] = {
	canonicalName = "مانکس",
	otherNames = {"Manx Gaelic"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-gae",
	ancestors = {"mga"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ç", "-"},
		to   = {"c"}} ,

m["ha"] = {
	canonicalName = "هائوسا",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "cdc-wst",

m["he"] = {
	canonicalName = "عبری",
	otherNames = {"Ivrit"},
	scripts = {"Hebr", "Phnx", "Brai"},
	family = "sem-can",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[" .. u(0x0591) .. "-" .. u(0x05BD) .. u(0x05BF) .. "-" .. u(0x05C5) .. u(0x05C7) .. "]"},
		to   = {}} ,

m["hi"] = {
	canonicalName = "هندی",
	otherNames = {"Braj", "Brij Bhasha", "Braj Bhasha", "Braj Bhāshā", "Braj Bhakha", "Dehaati Zabaan"},
	scripts = {"Deva", "Guru"}, -- Guru for the subsumed variety Braj
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-ohi"},
	translit_module = "hi-translit",

m["ho"] = {
	canonicalName = "Hiri Motu",
	otherNames = {"Pidgin Motu", "Police Motu"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",
	ancestors = {"meu"},

m["ht"] = {
	canonicalName = "Haitian Creole",
	otherNames = {"Creole", "Haitian", "Kreyòl"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",

m["hu"] = {
	canonicalName = "مجاری",
	otherNames = {"Magyar"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "urj-ugr",
	ancestors = {"ohu"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"á", "é", "í", "ó", "ú", "ő", "ű"},
		to   = {"a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "ö", "ü"}} ,

m["hy"] = {
	canonicalName = "ارمنی",
	otherNames = {"Modern Armenian", "Eastern Armenian", "Western Armenian"},
	scripts = {"Armn", "Brai"},
	family = "hyx",
	ancestors = {"axm"},
	translit_module = "Armn-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ու", "և", "եւ"},
		to   = {"ւ", "եվ", "եվ"}},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"՞", "՜", "՛", "՟", "և", "<sup>յ</sup>", "<sup>ի</sup>"},
		to   = {"", "", "", "", "եւ", "յ", "ի"}} ,

m["hz"] = {
	canonicalName = "Herero",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["ia"] = {
	canonicalName = "اینترلینگوا",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["id"] = {
	canonicalName = "اندونزیایی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-mly",
	ancestors = {"ms"},

m["ie"] = {
	canonicalName = "اینترلینگوئه",
	otherNames = {"Occidental"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["ig"] = {
	canonicalName = "ایگبو",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "nic-bco",

m["ii"] = {
	canonicalName = "Sichuan Yi",
	otherNames = {"Nuosu", "Nosu", "Northern Yi", "Liangshan Yi"},
	scripts = {"Yiii"},
	family = "tbq-lol",

m["ik"] = {
	canonicalName = "Inupiak",
	otherNames = {"Inupiaq", "Iñupiaq", "Inupiatun"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "esx-inu",

m["io"] = {
	canonicalName = "ایدو",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "art",

m["is"] = {
	canonicalName = "ایسلندی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"non"},

m["it"] = {
	canonicalName = "ایتالیایی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[àáâäå]", "[èéêë]", "[ìíîï]", "[òóôö]", "[ùúûü]"},
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	 , "i"	 , "o"	 , "u"	 }} ,

m["iu"] = {
	canonicalName = "اینکوتیتوت",
	otherNames = {"Eastern Canadian Inuktitut", "Eastern Canadian Inuit", "Western Canadian Inuktitut", "Western Canadian Inuit", "Western Canadian Inuktun", "Inuinnaq", "Inuinnaqtun", "Inuvialuk", "Inuvialuktun", "Nunavimmiutit", "Nunatsiavummiut", "Aivilimmiut", "Natsilingmiut", "Kivallirmiut", "Siglit", "Siglitun"},
	scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
	family = "esx-inu",
	translit_module = "iu-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["ja"] = {
	canonicalName = "ژاپنی",
	otherNames = {"Modern Japanese", "Nipponese", "Nihongo"},
	scripts = {"Jpan", "Latn", "Hira", "Brai"},
	family = "jpx",
	ancestors = {"ojp"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[ぁァア]", "[ぃィイ]", "[ぅゔゥウヴ]", "[ぇェエ]", "[ぉォオ]", "[がゕカガヵ]", "[ぎキギ]", "[ぐクグㇰ]", "[げゖケゲヶ]", "[ごコゴ]", "[ざサザ]", "[じシジㇱ]", "[ずスズㇲ]", "[ぜセゼ]", "[ぞソゾ]", "[だタダ]", "[ぢチヂ]", "[っづッツヅ]", "[でテデ]", "[どトドㇳ]", "ナ", "ニ", "[ヌㇴ]", "ネ", "ノ", "[ばぱハバパㇵ]", "[びぴヒビピㇶ]", "[ぶぷフブプㇷ]", "[べぺヘベペㇸ]", "[ぼぽホボポㇹ]", "マ", "ミ", "[ムㇺ]", "メ", "モ", "[ゃャヤ]", "[ゅュユ]", "[ょョヨ]", "[ラㇻ]", "[リㇼ]", "[ルㇽ]", "[レㇾ]", "[ロㇿ]", "[ゎヮワヷ]", "[ヰヸ]", "[ヱヹ]", "[ヲヺ]", "ン", "[゙゚゛゜ゝゞ・ヽヾ]", "𛀀"},
		to   = {"あ", "い", "う", "え", "お", "か", "き", "く", "け", "こ", "さ", "し", "す", "せ", "そ", "た", "ち", "つ", "て", "と", "な", "に", "ぬ", "ね", "の", "は", "ひ", "ふ", "へ", "ほ", "ま", "み", "む", "め", "も", "や", "ゆ", "よ", "ら", "り", "る", "れ", "ろ", "わ", "ゐ", "ゑ", "を", "ん", "", "え"}},

m["jv"] = {
	canonicalName = "جاوه‌ای",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Java"},
	family = "poz-sus",
	translit_module = "jv-translit",
	ancestors = {"kaw"},
	link_tr = true,

m["ka"] = {
	canonicalName = "گرجی",
	otherNames = {"Kartvelian", "Judeo-Georgian", "Kivruli", "Gruzinic"},
	scripts = {"Geor", "Geok", "Hebr"}, -- Hebr is used to write Judeo-Georgian
	family = "ccs-gzn",
	ancestors = {"oge"},
	translit_module = "Geor-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	entry_name = {
		from = {"̂"},
		to   = {""}},

m["kg"] = {
	canonicalName = "کنگویی",
	otherNames = {"Kikongo", "Koongo", "Laari", "San Salvador Kongo", "Yombe"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["ki"] = {
	canonicalName = "Kikuyu",
	otherNames = {"Gikuyu", "Gĩkũyũ"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["kj"] = {
	canonicalName = "Kwanyama",
	otherNames = {"Kuanyama", "Oshikwanyama"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["kk"] = {
	canonicalName = "قزاقی",
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Latn", "Arab", "kk-Arab"},
	family = "trk-kip",
	translit_module = "kk-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["kl"] = {
	canonicalName = "گرینلندی",
	otherNames = {"Kalaallisut"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "esx-inu",

m["km"] = {
	canonicalName = "خمر",
	otherNames = {"Cambodian"},
	scripts = {"Khmr"},
	family = "mkh",
	ancestors = {"mkh-mkm"},
	translit_module = "km-translit",

m["kn"] = {
	canonicalName = "کنادا",
	scripts = {"Knda"},
	family = "dra",
	translit_module = "kn-translit",

m["ko"] = {
	canonicalName = "کره‌ای",
	otherNames = {"Modern Korean"},
	scripts = {"Kore", "Brai"},
	family = "qfa-kor",
	ancestors = {"okm"},
	translit_module = "ko-translit",

m["kr"] = {
	canonicalName = "Kanuri",
	otherNames = {"Kanembu", "Bilma Kanuri", "Central Kanuri", "Manga Kanuri", "Tumari Kanuri"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "ssa-sah",

m["ks"] = {
	canonicalName = "کشمیری",
	scripts = {"ks-Arab", "Deva"},
	family = "inc-dar",

m["ku"] = {
	canonicalName = "کردی",
	scripts = {"Latn", "ku-Arab", "Armn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "ira-wes",

-- "kv" IS TREATED AS "koi", "kpv", SEE WT:LT

m["kw"] = {
	canonicalName = "کورنی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "cel-bry",
	ancestors = {"cnx"},

m["ky"] = {
	canonicalName = "قرقیزی",
	otherNames = {"Kirghiz", "Kirgiz"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "trk-kip",
	translit_module = "ky-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["la"] = {
	canonicalName = "لاتین",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "itc",
	ancestors = {"itc-ola"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[ĀĂ]", "[āă]", "[ĒĔ]", "[ēĕë]", "[ĪĬÏ]", "[īĭï]", "[ŌŎ]", "[ōŏ]", "[ŪŬÜ]", "[ūŭü]", "Ȳ", "ȳ", MACRON, BREVE, DIAER},
		to   = {"A", "a", "E", "e", "I", "i", "O", "o", "U", "u", "Y", "y"}},

m["lb"] = {
	canonicalName = "لوکزامبورگی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"gmh"},

m["lg"] = {
	canonicalName = "Luganda",
	otherNames = {"Ganda", "Oluganda"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"á", "Á", "é", "É", "í", "Í", "ó", "Ó", "ú", "Ú", "ń", "Ń", "ḿ", "Ḿ", "â", "Â", "ê", "Ê", "î", "Î", "ô", "Ô", "û", "Û" },
		to   = {"a", "A", "e", "E", "i", "I", "o", "O", "u", "U", "n", "N", "m", "M", "a", "A", "e", "E", "i", "I", "o", "O", "u", "U",}},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ŋ"},
		to   = {"n"}} 

m["li"] = {
	canonicalName = "لیمبورگی",
	otherNames = {"Limburgan", "Limburgian", "Limburgic"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"dum"},

m["ln"] = {
	canonicalName = "Lingala",
	otherNames = {"Ngala"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["lo"] = {
	canonicalName = "لائو",
	otherNames = {"Laotian"},
	scripts = {"Laoo"},
	family = "tai-swe",
	translit_module = "lo-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ຼ", "ຽ", "ໜ", "ໝ", "([ເແໂໃໄ])([ກ-ຮ])"},
		to   = {"ລ", "ຍ", "ຫນ", "ຫມ", "%2%1"}},

m["lt"] = {
	canonicalName = "لیتوانیایی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bat",
	ancestors = {"olt"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[áãà]", "[ÁÃÀ]", "[éẽè]", "[ÉẼÈ]", "[íĩì]", "[ÍĨÌ]", "[ýỹ]", "[ÝỸ]", "ñ", "[óõò]", "[ÓÕÒ]", "[úũù]", "[ÚŨÙ]", ACUTE, GRAVE, TILDE},
		to   = {"a",       "A",     "e",     "E",     "i",     "I",     "y",   "Y",   "n",   "o",    "O",     "u",      "U"}} ,

m["lu"] = {
	canonicalName = "Luba-Katanga",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["lv"] = {
	canonicalName = "لاتویایی",
	otherNames = {"Lettish", "Lett"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bat",
	entry_name = {
		-- This attempts to convert vowels with tone marks to vowels either with
		-- or without macrons. Specifically, there should be no macrons if the
		-- vowel is part of a diphthong (including resonant diphthongs such
		-- pìrksts -> pirksts not #pīrksts). What we do is first convert the
		-- vowel + tone mark to a vowel + tilde in a decomposed fashion,
		-- then remove the tilde in diphthongs, then convert the remaining
		-- vowel + tilde sequences to macroned vowels, then delete any other
		-- tilde. We leave already-macroned vowels alone: Both e.g. ar and ār
		-- occur before consonants. FIXME: This still might not be sufficient.
		from = {"Ȩ", "ȩ", "[ÂÃÀ]", "[âãà]", "[ÊẼÈ]", "[êẽè]", "[ÎĨÌ]", "[îĩì]", "[ÔÕÒ]", "[ôõò]", "[ÛŨÙ]", "[ûũù]", "[ÑǸ]", "[ñǹ]", "[" .. CIRC .. TILDE ..GRAVE .."]", "([aAeEiIoOuU])" .. TILDE .."?([lrnmuiLRNMUI])" .. TILDE .. "?([^aAeEiIoOuUāĀēĒīĪūŪ])", "([aAeEiIoOuU])" .. TILDE .."?([lrnmuiLRNMUI])" .. TILDE .."?$", "([iI])" .. TILDE .. "?([eE])" .. TILDE .. "?", "A" .. TILDE, "a" .. TILDE, "E" .. TILDE, "e" .. TILDE, "I" .. TILDE, "i" .. TILDE, "U" .. TILDE, "u" .. TILDE, TILDE},
		to   = {"E", "e", "A" .. TILDE, "a" .. TILDE, "E" .. TILDE, "e" .. TILDE, "I" .. TILDE, "i" .. TILDE, "O", "o", "U" .. TILDE, "u" .. TILDE, "N", "n", TILDE, "%1%2%3", "%1%2", "%1%2", "Ā", "ā", "Ē", "ē", "Ī", "ī", "Ū", "ū", ""}},

m["mg"] = {
	canonicalName = "مالاگاسی",
	otherNames = {"Betsimisaraka Malagasy", "Betsimisaraka", "Northern Betsimisaraka Malagasy", "Northern Betsimisaraka", "Southern Betsimisaraka Malagasy", "Southern Betsimisaraka", "Bara Malagasy", "Bara", "Masikoro Malagasy", "Masikoro", "Antankarana", "Antankarana Malagasy", "Plateau Malagasy", "Sakalava", "Tandroy Malagasy", "Tandroy", "Tanosy", "Tanosy Malagasy", "Tesaka", "Tsimihety", "Tsimihety Malagasy", "Bushi", "Shibushi", "Kibushi", "Sakalava"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-bre",

m["mh"] = {
	canonicalName = "Marshallese",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-mic",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ā" , "ļ" , "m̧" , "ņ" , "n̄"  , "o̧" , "ō"  , "ū" },
		to   = {"a~", "l~", "m~", "n~", "n~~", "o~", "o~~", "u~"}} ,

m["mi"] = {
	canonicalName = "مائوری",
	otherNames = {"Māori"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-pol",

m["mk"] = {
	canonicalName = "مقدونیایی",
	scripts = {"Cyrl"},
	family = "zls",
	translit_module = "mk-translit",
	entry_name = {
		from = {ACUTE},
		to   = {}},

m["ml"] = {
	canonicalName = "مالایام",
	scripts = {"Mlym"},
	family = "dra",
	translit_module = "ml-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["mn"] = {
	canonicalName = "مغولی",
	otherNames = {"Khalkha Mongolian"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Mong"},
	family = "xgn",
	ancestors = {"cmg"},
	translit_module = "mn-translit",
	override_translit = true,

-- "mo" IS TREATED AS "ro", SEE WT:LT

m["mr"] = {
	canonicalName = "مراتهی",
	scripts = {"Deva", "Modi"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"omr"},
	translit_module = "hi-translit",

m["ms"] = {
	canonicalName = "مالایی",
	otherNames = {"Malaysian", "Standard Malay", "Orang Seletar", "Orang Kanaq", "Jakun", "Temuan"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Arab"},
	family = "poz-mly",

m["mt"] = {
	canonicalName = "مالتی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "sem-arb",
	ancestors = {"sqr"},

m["my"] = {
	canonicalName = "برمه‌ای",
	otherNames = {"Myanmar"},
	scripts = {"Mymr"},
	family = "tbq-brm",
	ancestors = {"obr"},
	translit_module = "my-translit",
	override_translit = true,

m["na"] = {
	canonicalName = "Nauruan",
	otherNames = {"Nauru"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "poz-mic",

m["nb"] = {
	canonicalName = "نروژی کتابی",
	otherNames = {"Bokmål"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-mno"},
	wikimedia_codes = {"no"},

m["nd"] = {
	canonicalName = "Northern Ndebele",
	otherNames = {"North Ndebele"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt-ngu",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[āàáâǎ]", "[ēèéêě]", "[īìíîǐ]", "[ōòóôǒ]", "[ūùúûǔ]", "ḿ", "[ǹńň]", MACRON, ACUTE, GRAVE, CIRC, CARON},
		to   = {"a"      , "e"      , "i"      , "o"      , "u"      , "m", "n"    }},

m["ne"] = {
	canonicalName = "نپالی",
	otherNames = {"Nepalese"},
	scripts = {"Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	translit_module = "ne-translit",

m["ng"] = {
	canonicalName = "Ndonga",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["nl"] = {
	canonicalName = "هلندی",
	otherNames = {"Netherlandic", "Flemish"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmw",
	ancestors = {"dum"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[äáâå]", "[ëéê]", "[ïíî]", "[öóô]", "[üúû]", "ç", "ñ", "^-"},
		to   = {"a"	 , "e"	, "i"	, "o"	, "u"	, "c", "n"}} ,
	standardChars = "A-Za-z0-9" .. PUNCTUATION .. u(0x2800) .. "-" .. u(0x28FF),

m["nn"] = {
	canonicalName = "نروژی نیونورسک",
	otherNames = {"New Norwegian", "Nynorsk"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-mno"},

m["no"] = {
	canonicalName = "نروژی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "gmq",
	ancestors = {"gmq-mno"},

m["nr"] = {
	canonicalName = "Southern Ndebele",
	otherNames = {"South Ndebele"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt-ngu",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"[āàáâǎ]", "[ēèéêě]", "[īìíîǐ]", "[ōòóôǒ]", "[ūùúûǔ]", "ḿ", "[ǹńň]", MACRON, ACUTE, GRAVE, CIRC, CARON},
		to   = {"a"      , "e"      , "i"      , "o"      , "u"      , "m", "n"    }},

m["nv"] = {
	canonicalName = "Navajo",
	otherNames = {"Navaho", "Diné bizaad"},
	scripts = {"nv-Latn"},
	family = "apa",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[áą]", "[éę]", "[íį]", "[óǫ]", "ń", "^n([djlt])", "ł" , "[ʼ’']", ACUTE},
		to   = {"a"   , "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "n", "ni%1"	  , "l"}}, -- the copyright sign is used to guarantee that ł will always be sorted after all other words with l

m["ny"] = {
	canonicalName = "Chichewa",
	otherNames = {"Chicheŵa", "Chinyanja", "Nyanja", "Chewa", "Cicewa", "Cewa", "Cinyanja"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"ŵ", "Ŵ", "á", "Á", "é", "É", "í", "Í", "ó", "Ó", "ú", "Ú", "ń", "Ń", "ḿ", "Ḿ" },
		to   = {"w", "W", "a", "A", "e", "E", "i", "I", "o", "O", "u", "U", "n", "N", "m", "M"}},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ng'"},
		to   = {"ng"}} 

m["oc"] = {
	canonicalName = "اوسیتان",
	otherNames = {"Provençal", "Auvergnat", "Auvernhat", "Gascon", "Languedocien", "Lengadocian", "Shuadit", "Chouhadite", "Chouhadit", "Chouadite", "Chouadit", "Shuhadit", "Judeo-Provençal", "Judeo-Provencal", "Judeo-Comtadin"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Hebr"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"pro"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[àá]", "[èé]", "[íï]", "[òó]", "[úü]", "ç", "([lns])·h"},
		to   = {"a"   , "e"   , "i"   , "o"   , "u"   , "c", "%1h"	  }} ,

m["oj"] = {
	canonicalName = "اوجیبوه",
	otherNames = {"Chippewa", "Ojibway", "Ojibwemowin", "Southwestern Ojibwa"},
	scripts = {"Cans", "Latn"},
	family = "alg",

m["om"] = {
	canonicalName = "اورومو",
	otherNames = {"Orma", "Borana-Arsi-Guji Oromo", "West Central Oromo"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Ethi"},
	family = "cus",

m["or"] = {
	canonicalName = "اوریا",
	otherNames = {"Odia", "Oorya"},
	scripts = {"Orya"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"inc-mgd"},

m["os"] = {
	canonicalName = "آسی",
	otherNames = {"Ossete", "Ossetic", "Digor", "Iron"},
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Geor", "Latn"},
	family = "ira",
	translit_module = "os-translit",
	override_translit = true,
	ancestors = {"oos"},
	entry_name = {
		from = {GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {}} ,

m["pa"] = {
	canonicalName = "پنجابی",
	otherNames = {"Panjabi"},
	scripts = {"Guru", "Arab", "Deva"},
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"psu"},
	translit_module = "translit-redirect",

m["pi"] = {
	canonicalName = "پالی",
	scripts = {"Latn", "Deva", "Beng", "Sinh", "Mymr", "Thai", "Lana", "Khmr"}, -- holds Laoo, not enough glyphes to render
	family = "inc",
	ancestors = {"bh"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ā", "ī", "ū", "ḍ", "ḷ", "[ṁṃ]", "[ṇñṅ]", "ṭ"},
		to   = {"a", "i", "u", "d", "l", "m"   , "n"	, "t"}} ,

m["pl"] = {
	canonicalName = "لهستانی",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "zlw",
	ancestors = {"zlw-opl"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[Ąą]", "[Ćć]", "[Ęę]", "[Łł]", "[Ńń]", "[Óó]", "[Śś]", "[Żż]", "[Źź]"},
		to   = {
			"a" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"c" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"e" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"l" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"n" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"o" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"s" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"z" .. u(0x10FFFF),
			"z" .. u(0x10FFFE)}} ,

m["ps"] = {
	canonicalName = "پشتو",
	otherNames = {"Pashtun", "Pushto", "Pashtu", "Central Pashto", "Northern Pashto", "Southern Pashto", "Pukhto", "Pakhto", "Pakkhto", "Afghani"},
	scripts = {"ps-Arab"},
	family = "ira-eas",

m["pt"] = {
	canonicalName = "پرتغالی",
	otherNames = {"Modern Portuguese"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Brai"},
	family = "roa",
	ancestors = {"roa-opt"},
	sort_key = {
		from = {"[àãáâä]", "[èẽéêë]", "[ìĩíï]", "[òóôõö]", "[üúùũ]", "ç", "ñ"},
		to   = {"a"	  , "e"	  , "i"	 , "o"	  , "u"	 , "c", "n"}} ,

m["qu"] = {
	canonicalName = "Quechua",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "qwe",

m["rm"] = {
	canonicalName = "رومانش",
	otherNames = {"Romansh", "Rumantsch", "Romanche"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",

m["ro"] = {
	canonicalName = "رومانیایی",
	otherNames = {"Daco-Romanian", "Roumanian", "Rumanian"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "roa",
	sort_key = {
        from = {"ă" , "â"  , "î" , "ș" , "ț" },
        to   = {"a~", "a~~", "i~", "s~", "t~"}},

m["ru"] = {
	canonicalName = "روسی",
	scripts = {"Cyrl", "Brai"},
	family = "zle",
	translit_module = "ru-translit",
	sort_key = {
		from = {"ё"},
		to   = {"е" .. mw.ustring.char(0x10FFFF)}},
	entry_name = {
		from = {"Ѐ", "ѐ", "Ѝ", "ѝ", GRAVE, ACUTE},
		to   = {"Е", "е", "И", "и"}},
	standardChars = "ЁІА-яёі0-9—" .. PUNCTUATION,

m["rw"] = {
	canonicalName = "Rwanda-Rundi",
	otherNames = {"Rwanda", "Kinyarwanda", "Rundi", "Kirundi", "Ha", "Giha", "Hangaza", "Vinza", "Shubi", "Subi"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "bnt",

m["sa"] = {
	canonicalName = "سانسکریت",
	scripts = {"Deva", "Beng", "Brah", "Gran", "Gujr", "Guru", "Khar", "Knda", "Mlym", "Mymr", "Orya", "Shrd", "Sinh", "Taml", "Telu", "Thai", "Tibt"},
	family = "inc",
	translit_module = "sa-translit",

m["sc"] = {
	canonicalName = "ساردینایی",
	otherNames = {"Campidanese", "Campidanese Sardinian", "Logudorese", "Logudorese Sardinian", "Nuorese", "Nuorese Sardinian"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "roa",

m["sd"] = {
	canonicalName = "سندی",
	scripts = {"sd-Arab", "Deva"},
	family = "inc",

m["se"] = {
	canonicalName = "سامی شمالی",
	otherNames = {"North Sami", "Northern Saami", "North Saami"},
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "smi",
	entry_name = {
		from = {"([đflmnŋrsšŧv])'%1"},
		to   = {"%1%1"} },

m["sg"] = {
	canonicalName = "Sango",
	scripts = {"Latn"},
	family = "crp",

m["sh"] = {
	canonicalName = "صربی‌کرواتی",
	otherNames = {"BCS", "Croato-Serbian", "Serbocroatian", "Bosnian", "Croatian", "Montenegrin", "Serbian"},
	scripts = {"Latn", "Cyrl"},
	family = "zls",
	entry_name = {
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m["sl"] = {
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-- "tw" IS TREATED AS "ak", SEE WT:LT

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m["ug"] = {
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m["uk"] = {
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m["ve"] = {
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m["za"] = {
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m["zh"] = {
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m["zu"] = {
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