ویرایش- انگلیسی
- wholly
- wetly
- voluntarily
- visibly
- vice versa
- vain
- unwritten
- unseemly
- uniformly
- underfoot
- truly
- trity
- totally
- tooth and nail
- tinnily
- thwartwise
- thorough
- thin
- surely
- superiorly
- sudden
- staccato
- spiritually
- spiritual
- sound
- solo
- slantwise
- slantways
- signally
- sidelong
- seriatim
- seemly
- rightly
- pretty
- prettify
- poorly
- plumb
- percapita
- pat
- parenthetic
- overtime
- off and on
- meanly
- matter of fact
- linearly
- inexplicit
- indisputable
- in petto
- ill
- icily
- humanly
- hotly
- honorarily
- hip and thigh
- half
- haggish
- generally
- free
- figural
- facedown
- emptily
- eerily
- drily
- dingily
- differently
- dearly
- daintily
- daily
- customarily
- cornerwise
- cornerways
- consumedly
- connectedly
- commonly
- comkplimentarily
- coldly
- chiefly
- chemically
- cephalad
- catercornered
- catercorner
- cannily
- calmly
- but
- briefly
- basically
- barely
- badly
- awry
- away
- automatism
- automatically
- atilt
- aslant
- arbitrarily
- apeak
- amply
- almost
- all over
- aerily